What We are Learning- August 14-August 18

Morning Community- 8:30-9:00:
Monday- How do I use a clipboard? Students will practice using a clipboard to prepare for introducing our flexible seating.

Tuesday- How do I use a clipboard?

Wednesday- How do I use a clipboard?

Thursday- How do I use a clipboard?

Friday- How do I use a clipboard?

Reading Workshop- 9:00-9:40:
Monday- How can I be a good student? Students will share what makes a good student. Students will draw a picture of themselves making a good choice. We will make a class book with these pictures.

Tuesday- What does it mean to be a good listener? Why is it important to be a good listener? Students will talk with a partner, practicing being a good listener.

Wednesday- How can I be a good listener? Students will begin sharing All About Me Bags, practicing being a good listener.

Thursday- What does it mean to make a difference? How do I make a difference in my school? Students will draw a picture of a classroom job they are most excited to have this year.

Friday- What are the habits of strong readers? Students will create a book of environmental print (McDonald's, Walmart, etc.) that they can read/recognize.

Word Study- 9:45-10:05:

Monday- How do I hold my pencil? How do I write the letter c? Students will review how to hold the pencil. Students will practice writing the letter c- on paper, with chalk, with dry erase marker, in the air.

Tuesday- How do I write the letter o? How do I write the letter s? Students will practice writing the letters o and s.

Wednesday- How do I write the letter v? How do I write the letter w? Students will practice writing the letters v and w.

Thursday- How do I write the letter t? How do I write the letter a? Students will practice writing the letters t and a.

Friday- How do I write the letter d? How do I write the letter g? Students will practice writing the letters d and g.

Social Studies/Science- 11:00-11:20:

Monday- What do I like about myself? Students will complete an All About Me page.

Tuesday- Why am I special? Students will complete I am special because...

Wednesday- What does it mean to respect someone? How can I respect others who are different from me? Students will learn how others are different and how to respect others.

Thursday- How can I respect my friends? Students will talk about respecting others.

Friday- What does it mean to Be Proactive? We will read the first 7 Habits book, "Just the way I am." Students will share something they are good at doing.

Writing Workshop- 1:10-1:50:

Monday- What does it mean to be a 3-Star Colorer? Students will practice coloring inside the lines and using correct colors.

Tuesday- What is a WOW picture? Students will practice drawing a person and adding details.

Wednesday- What is a WOW pictures? Students will add family members to their picture from yesterday.

Thursday- What is a writer? What are the steps of writing workshop? Students will write a teaching book.

Friday- What is a writer? What are the steps of writing workshop? Students will write a teaching book.

Math Workshop- 1:55-2:35:

Monday- What is calendar? Why do we need it? Students will learn our calendar expectations.

Tuesday- How do we use manipulatives to help us in math? Students will explore our math manipulatives.

Wednesday- Why is it important to count in an organized manner? How do I know HOW MANY? Students will work with a partner counting bears.

Thursday- What is the number of the day? How can I see the number 1 in different ways? Students will complete page 1 of their number boos. Draw 1 thing and practice making the number 1. Draw 1 tally mark and 1 dot on a dice.

Friday- What is the number of the day? How can I see the number 2 in different ways? Students will complete page 2 of their number boos. Draw 2 things and practice making the number 2. Draw 2 tally marks and 2 dots on a dice.
