What We Are Learning- October 23-October 27

Shared Reading:

Monday: Read Five Little Pumpkins to students.
Tuesday-Thursday: Chorally read Five Little Pumpkins together.
Friday: Act out Five Little Pumpkins.


Monday: GQ: What are characters?
 Learning Target: I can name characters from my story.
 Teacher's choice on fall book. After reading the book, talk about the characters. Who was in the story? 
 Students will choose their favorite character to draw in their Reading notebook. Allow time to share with a partner.
 During Guided Reading, students should focus on the characters in their stories. Come back to the carpet and share characters.

Tuesday: GQ: What is setting?
 Learning Target: I can name the setting in my story. 
Teacher's choice on fall book. After reading the book, talk about the setting. Where did the story take place?
 Students will go back to their character page and add in pictures to show the setting. If there isn't enough room, they can use a new page. Allow time to share with a partner.
 During Guided Reading, students should focus on the setting of the story. Come back to the carpet and share settings from guiding reading books.

Wednesday: GQ: What is the problem and solution in a story?
 Learning Target: I can name the problem and solution in my story. 
Teacher's choice on fall book. After reading the book, talk about the problem in the story? What was wrong? Then ask "How did the character solve the problem? How did they fix it?" 
 Students will tell the problem and solution to their partners. 
 During Guided Reading, students should focus on the problem/solution in their stories. Come back to the carpet and share problem/solution. 

Thursday: GQ: How can I retell a story?
 Learning Target: I can retell a familiar story.
 Retell the story as a whole group. Have students raise their hand and say what happened next. Sit in circle and each student tells the next part. Repeat until everyone has told the story.

Friday: GQ: How can I retell a story?
 Learning Target: I can retell a familiar story.
 Retell the story as a whole group quickly. Then assign students partners (Think PB&J or 1&2s). Students should practice retelling the story with their partner. Then, their partner should give feedback. Did you tell all the parts of the story? 

Word Study: 
Monday/Tuesday: Sight word- but. Letter Sound- Hh
Wednesday/Thursday: Sight word- we. Letter Sound- Ff
Friday: Practice known sight words. Sort pictures that begin with Hh and Ff sound.

Science: Life Cycle of a pumpkin


Monday: GQ: How can writers write words to tell a story?
 Target: I can write the beginning sound to write words in my sentence.
 Mini-Lesson: Touch and tell Community Helpers Parade with students. Go back to the beginning to touch and tell. Sound out words, listen for the beginning sound. Remind students to write sight words correctly. 
 Active Engagement: Have students help you write sight words.
 Work Time: Students will write words for the beginning of the story. 

Tuesday: GQ: How can writers write words to tell a story?
 Target: I can write the beginning sound to write words in my sentence.
 Mini-Lesson: Touch and tell Community Helpers Parade with students. Go back to the middle to touch and tell. Sound out words, listen for the beginning sound. Remind students to write sight words correctly. 
 Active Engagement: Have students help you write sight words.
 Work Time: Students will write words for the middle of the story. 

Wednesday: GQ: How can writers write words to tell a story?
 Target: I can write the beginning sound to write words in my sentence.
 Mini-Lesson: Touch and tell Community Helpers Parade with students. Go back to the end to touch and tell. Sound out words, listen for the beginning sound. Remind students to write sight words correctly. 
 Active Engagement: Have students help you write sight words.
 Work Time: Students will write words for the end of the story. 

Thursday: Go on leaf walk. Make prediction for what students will see. After leaf walk, students will draw pictures.

Friday: Write about leaf walk.


Monday: Sing Five Little Speckled Frogs before lesson.
 GQ: What is subtraction?
 Target: I can act out story problems to subtract.
 Mini-Lesson/Active Engagement: Model acting out to subtract.
 Teacher will give several different oral problems, varying how things are "subtracted" and allow different kids to act them out. Possibly show on fingers? (Ask Debbie about this). Have students retell the story problem you just gave to practice saying them. 

Tuesday: Sing Five Little Speckled Frogs before lesson.
 GQ: What words tell me to subtract?
 Target: I can create ways to show subtraction.
 Mini-Lesson: Brainstorm a list of words that show subtraction: (got sick, flew away, went home, etc) Talk about how all these words mean to take something away. Keep list on anchor chart. Focus on the word "left."
 Active Engagement: Students will act out more oral problems but today they will help the teacher create the problems.

Wednesday: Sing Five Little Speckled Frogs before lesson.
 GQ: How can I use manipulatives to show subtraction?
 Target: I can use manipulatives to subtract.
 Use cubes to solve oral story problems. We do not need a graphic organizer for this yet. Turn and tell a friend a subtraction story, if kids are able.

Thursday: Sing Five Little Speckled Frogs before lesson.
 GQ: How can I use drawings to show subtraction?
 Target: I can draw a picture to show subtraction.
 Students will use the cross out strategy to solve oral story problems.

Friday: Sing Five Little Speckled Frogs before lesson.
 GQ: How can I use drawings to show subtraction?
 Target: I can draw a picture to show subtraction.
 Students will use the cross out strategy to solve oral story problems.
